In a world ravaged by demonic forces, humanity is on the brink of extinction. To counter the relentless invasion, six holy temples form an alliance to train powerful warriors known as
Templars, who possess divine abilities to fight the demons. At the heart of this conflict is a young boy,
Long Hao Chen, the son of a knight. Though weak and naive at first, Long Hao Chen's latent potential is recognized when he discovers he possesses the rare and powerful
Scion of Light physique.Under the mentorship of experienced knights, Hao Chen begins his rigorous training, determined to join the ranks of the holy warriors and honor his family legacy. He is put through various trials and life-threatening challenges as he grows in strength, skill, and courage. Along the way, he forms friendships with fellow knights and encounters mysterious allies, as well as deadly foes from the demonic clans.
Throne of Seal season 1 Subtitle